Squidward your mom gay meme

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He was too distracted by the cat's majestic rolls of fat. How this filthy mammal was breathing underwater was unknown, but Squidward didn't care.

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'Do you have lasagna?' Garfield asked, approaching Squidward. BANG! He looked up to see none other than that sly old fat cat, Garfield.

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He was already dozing off when someone burst through the front doors of the Krusty Krab. Eventually, he finished cleaning the tables and headed back to the cash register. After all, Squidward was quite skilled at Mongolian throat-singing. Impressive, isn't it? He thought so, and often pondered quitting this stupid job so he could pursue his dream of joining a belly-dancing mariachi band. He could also recite the alphabet, forwards and backwards. He had a solid grasp on theoretical physics, AP Biology, and Chemistry. Due to him watching Rick and Morty, Squidward had acquired a superior intellect and was now a super-genius. None of these idiots could even begin to comprehend Squidward's advanced intelligence. Krabs, was a useless, obese, senile sack of bloody wet shit. He was sick and tired of that fag, Spongebitch, always being loud and annoying.

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'ur mom gay', Squidward thought as he cleaned the tables at the Krusty Krab with his cum rag from middle school.

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